A Pain In The Neck
A Pain In The Neck When something (or someone) is troublesome or annoying you can say, it’s (he’s/she’s) a pain in the neck. Examples 1. [...]
Put My Foot In My Mouth
Put My Foot In My Mouth You can say, “I put my* foot in my* mouth”after you say something embarrassing. *my, your, his, her, our, [...]
Once In A Blue Moon
Once In A Blue Moon If something happens very rarely, it happens “once in a blue moon.” Examples 1. It snowed in the desert! That [...]
Shotgun Wedding
Shotgun Wedding If a couple will have a baby and decides to get married, it’s called a “shotgun wedding.” Examples 1. It was a shotgun [...]
Hold Your Horses
Hold Your Horses You can tell someone to wait by saying, “Hold your horses!” Examples 1. Hold your horses! Dinner will be ready in five [...]
Bent Out Of Shape
Bent Out Of Shape If someone is very upset or angry, you can say "s/he is bent out of shape." Examples 1. Our daughter is [...]
Put My Face On
Put My Face On When you put on makeup, you can say “put my face on.” Examples 1. I’ll be ready in ten minutes. I [...]
A Bun In The Oven
A Bun In The Oven A woman who will have a baby has “a bun in the oven.” Examples 1. They just got married in [...]